[sudo-users] RES: Visudo installation

José Antonio Alves de Paula Jose.Paula at v8.tech
Wed May 8 08:27:38 MDT 2024

Hi Todd

I removed the suspicious package and installed the package I downloaded from the link you gave me and the error was the same.

Installation of <TCMsudo> was successful.
root at XXXXXXX:/tmp# visudo
ld.so.1: visudo: fatal: libc.so.1: version 'SUNWpublic' not found (required by file /usr/sbin/visudo)
ld.so.1: visudo: fatal: libc.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
root at XXXXXXX:/tmp#

José Paula
Especialista de Infraestrutura
e-mail: jose.paula at v8.tech
Mobile: +55 19 9 9679-1036
Site: https://v8.tech

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Todd C. Miller <Todd.Miller at sudo.ws>
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2024 10:59
Para: José Antonio Alves de Paula <Jose.Paula at v8.tech>
Cc: sudo-users at sudo.ws
Assunto: Re: [sudo-users] Visudo installation

It sounds like you are trying to install the Solaris 11 sudo package on a Solaris 10 system.  You didn't say where the sudo package came from, but you can find the official Solaris 10 sparc packages at https://www.sudo.ws/getting/packages/

 - todd
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